POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Spline issues : Spline issues Server Time
2 Nov 2024 07:22:52 EDT (-0400)
  Spline issues  
From: Mike Thorn
Date: 16 Jul 2004 22:40:01
Message: <web.40f8903540eaa4d949700cac0@news.povray.org>
You probably recognize my name. This isn't my first plea. :) I was hoping
you'd forget, so that you wouldn't remember those embarrasing goofs I made
in replying to threads. If someone would be so kind as to explain to me
exactly how to use the "Reply to Message" function, I would appreciate it!
You may notice that I'm posting in .newusers now instead of
...advanced-users. :)

So I have another problem. I'll be the first to say the solution's probably
right under my nose, but my eyes don't cross that far.

So here's the issue: I have some splines defined for an animation that
aren't performing as expected (and for no particular reason, so far as I
can see). In this particular scene, I have some skeleton parts modeled that
are scattered around the scene. While the camera pans around the exterior
focussed on the centre of the scene, the bones fly and rotate their way
together in the middle.

I had little trouble defining my first spline (I've only done one since I
figured I would wait to do the other 71 splines until I had one working
right), but it seems like when I animate it, the objects don't follow the
full spline. They come to a stop a little bit from the final destination. I
even discovered this with the camera spline, tho it's not noticeable and of
no consequence in that particular situation.

You can look at my file at
http://www.roboticsresources.com/AsISpoke118b.pov. I've only defined the
skull and left arm splines for starters - they are located at line 23600.

If there's someone who could tell me why this is acting this way, I would
really, really appreciate it! I've been stumped by this problem for quite
some time.

Thanks so much, in advance!!


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